NTPC Rihand Nagar, P/O - Bijpur, Sonebhadra - 231223 , School No. 71227 , Affiliation No. 2130170 (CBSE, New Delhi)

Principal Message  

From the Desk of the Principal


“Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid of standing still”

Dear Parents,

You are most   welcome to  DAV Sr Secondary Public School, NTPC Rihand Nagar. Since its advent in 1992, the school has always been striving hard to provide its children every possible opportunity to  ignite    their    minds   with  rich  experience   of  the  wide competitive world.  The school  becomes  a second home  for a child who step out from the cozy lap of mother ,from the home environment. The teachers  with  care  and  affection  shoulder  the  responsibility  of training the character.

The breath of our curriculum ensures that all pupils have a chance to learn in a manner which is both pleasurable and profitable. The school provides the facilities for historic development of the child. Now a days the scenario has been changed. There is modernization and globalization. These developments we are following step by step to keep pace by rest of the world. The school having a broad spectrum of ideas to prepare the students for a life of leadership. School has different co-curricular activities under expert guidance of instructors for physical development of the students.

Parents play a very important role in shaping the child personality and building their characters which enables the child to decide his/ her career .The co-operation between the parents and the teachers will help the child to develop in the right direction and therefore we look forward to your continuous support and co-operation. 

With best wishes & regards,

Raj Kumar

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NTPC Rihand Nagar, P/O - Bijpur,
Distt.- Sonebhadra, U.P. - 231223
Phone : 05446-243008
E-Mail Id : dav_rihand@yahoo.com

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