NTPC Rihand Nagar, P/O - Bijpur, Sonebhadra - 231223 , School No. 71227 , Affiliation No. 2130170 (CBSE, New Delhi)

Physics Lab  
Physics Lab
The study of the history of science reveals the fact that experimental investigation forms the foundation of the growth and development of science. Demonstration of experiments, is quite important for understanding the principles of science. Performing experiments, however, is more important, because it involves “Learning By Doing”.
By performing experiments in the laboratory, handling equipment or apparatus, doing measurements and developing the skills to acquire the data to analyse, to calculate and to present the result with permissible error keeping in mind the significant figures and proper units, is the main objective of working in the physics laboratory experiment forms the foundation of the growth and development of science.
In the Physics lab, students discover the law which governs a certain phenomenon or verify a given law which has been derived from a theory.


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NTPC Rihand Nagar, P/O - Bijpur,
Distt.- Sonebhadra, U.P. - 231223
Phone : 05446-243008
E-Mail Id : dav_rihand@yahoo.com

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